Monday, July 13, 2009

Cruising in the Convertible

Keith's favorite toy is his 1985 Mercedes convertible. It's the perfect car for cruising on the back roads because on the freeway it's pretty breezy. Keith has had more fun with this car than anything else he has owned. Here we're taking Madelynn and Aurianna for a spin on Memorial Day. Top down weather goes from May through September with a break during July and August when it's too hot. Teenagers, middle agers, and old agers love it and we get many honks while we're driving. We feel like Remington Steele and Laura Holt.


  1. Hey Mom great blog, I am glad that Dad loves his Mercedes he deserves it. Thanks for dropping my car off the other day. Love ya


  2. Thanks for starting this blog! I look forward to following it :)

  3. Thanks for starting the blog. I can't wait to hear about your book.
